Youth Ministry
We strive to provide an environment where kids can feel free to be themselves. We have events for kids of all ages. All are welcome to join!

M&M Kids
Diana Forfa, our Director of Family Ministry & Outreach, leads Mission and Ministry Kids (M&M Kids) during our worship services. Children are introduced to bibles passages and taught about forming their faith.
Safe Space Wednesdays
​​Safe Space Youth Group is a gathering for youth in
grades 5-12. This is a safe, affirming
group for all youth, especially for LGBTQ+ youth and
allies. Gatherings start with the meal, then discussion and
fun activities. We meet twice a month on Wednesdays from 5:30pm–7pm. Dates are posted on our socials.

What is Day Camp?
Day Camp is a chance for youth to enjoy their school vacation while having safe fun with their friends.
How long is it?
During the winter & spring break, it is 4 days long. During summer break, it is 4 weeks long.
What's the cost?
All sessions are completely FREE!
Older Youth
Youth entering grades 6-12 are encouraged to volunteer.
Gardening, crafts, music, science, outdoor play, and community walks!
Follow our Day Camp Facebook page to stay up to date on all Day Camp news!
Fill out our Youth Registration Form to get involved! Email it to firstchurchws@yahoo.com